In 1968, the voters of Livingston County passed a referendum to "establish and maintain community mental health facilities and services including facilities and services for the developmentally disabled and the substance abuser and levy therefore an annual tax not to exceed .15%." The Livingston County Mental Health Board (708 Board) is appointed by the County Board to administer the funds and monitor the services provided by the agencies receiving funds from the department. In accordance with the Mental Health Act, the County Board appoints one of their members to serve on the Mental Health Board. The Mental Health Board consists of seven members who are appointed to serve four-year terms and are eligible to be re-appointed at the expiration of their terms. The Board meets on the third Thursday of each month. The officers are elected at the annual meeting in June.
The Board administers the programs of the Livingston County Commission on Children and Youth and writes the grant proposals, which provide funding for the services. The services are funded only by state sources, service fees, and community support.
The Livingston County Board for the Care and Treatment of Persons with a Developmental Disability (377 Board) was created following a referendum in 1990. It funds services for persons with developmental disabilities through programs administered by the Mental Health Board. The 377 Board consists of three members who are appointed to service three-year terms.
The purpose of the LCCCY is to promote the development of an integrated, comprehensive community system of services for children and youth in Livingston County, particularly those who have special problems of emotional, physical and intellectual development, or who are not functioning successfully within the life of the family and the community. The LCCCY is funded by the state and federal government, the Humiston Trust, the Livingston County United Way, and the Fairbury Community Fund.