Services provided by the Mental Health Board through the Institute for Human Resources include: outpatient counseling, emergency intervention, medication, and aftercare, with a goal of treating clients before problems become severe and to keep the client out of state mental hospitals; counseling, outreach, hospitalization visits, and aftercare for severely disturbed children; group counseling, leisure activities, recreation, and survival skills training for seriously mentally ill clients; intensive contact with clients suffering from serious and chronic mental illness and discharges from state hospitals, to deflect unnecessary hospitalization, while improving their quality of life in the community; 24-hour crisis response availability; counseling for alcoholics/substance abusers and their families; prevention services for alcohol/drug abuse, AIDS, child abuse, and stress, as well as parenting classes and support groups for parents of hyperactive children and children with disabilities; and independent living for chronically mentally ill clients, who are assisted with shopping and homemaking skills. Funding is also provided to Institute for Human Resource's Operation Snowball, Snow-flurry and Snowflake which focuses on educating youth about the negative effects of using alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs, while providing programs to teach responsible use of free time and organizational skills.
Futures Unlimited, Inc., established in 1970, is a not-for-profit agency serving individuals with disabilities in Livingston County. Futures Unlimited receives funding from the Livingston County Mental Health 708 Board and the Livingston County 377 Board for the Care and Treatment of Persons with a Developmental Disability. Services include community employment and job placement services, supported employment, facility based employment and community living support services. Futures Unlimited is committed to providing quality programs with a focus on designing services that meet or exceed expectations of individuals served.
Additional Mental Health Board funding is for services provided by Safe Journeys, a not-for-profit agency providing services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse in LaSalle and Livingston Counties. The mission of the agency is to assist individuals seeking to free themselves from violence through crisis intervention, supportive counseling, advocacy and prevention education.
Funding is provided to OSF Saint James John W. Albrecht Medial Center Infant-Toddler Enrichment Program. This program provides children in Livingston County birth to three years of age the following services: identification of children at risk of developmental delays, identification and referral of children with developmental delays, developmental education, developmental stimulation and environmental enrichment, opportunities for children at risk of delays to interact with children with and without developmental delays, preschool readiness skill instruction and case management.
Mosaic provides Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) homes, Host Homes, and Intermittent CILA through Medicaid Waiver Services to people with developmental disabilities. The LCMHB provides funding for camp scholarships, dental expenses, and other incidentals for the individuals.
Adapted and Inclusive Recreation (AIR) is designed to maintain and enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities through comprehensive, specialized recreation programs, activities, and special events. The LCMHB provides funding for Special Olympics, classes, events, and staff hours to run the program.